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教练培训 Instructor Education

介绍 Introducation



这方面的必要性,已经源于《德国职业健康和安全法 Occupational Health and Safety Act》而产生。只有以完善的培训作为行动的基础,才有可能对培训参与者进行公平的评估,同时考虑到心理和社会因素。

“Instructor” is not a recognized training profession in Germany, so we have made it our mission to create our own certified training routine.

The necessity of this already arises from the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A fair assessment of the training participants, taking into account psychological and social components, is only possible if a sound training is the basis of action.


我们能为您做什么 What we are able to do for you

Basic training Instructor B

approx. 4.900 € net
  • Duration: min. 12 days incl. intermediate exam

Continuing education instructor A

approx. 3.500 € net
  • Duration: min. 5 days

Seminar Instructor Training

approx. 2.450 € net
  • Duration: 1,5 days
  • Contents: Legal requirements, occupational safety, driver evaluation, practice setups and driving dynamics
  • Locations: Bosch Test Center Boxberg, Segula Rodgau
优点 Advantages

我们的服务为何如此特别 What makes our service so special

认证 Certification

根据 ISO 9001:2015 进行教练培训。Instructor training according to ISO 9001:2015.

驾驶员评估 Driver Evaluation

按照 DIN 33430 使用自己的软件和硬件程序进行深入的驾驶员评估。Sound driver evaluation with own software and hardware routines according to DIN 33430.

文档记录 Documentation

与职业健康和安全、法律保障、风险和危害分析等有关的所有流程的可靠的文档记录。Resilient documentation of all processes with regard to occupational health and safety and legal security, risk and hazard analyses etc.

经验丰富 Experience

在教练培训和进修领域拥有多年的国际经验。Many years of international experience in the field of training and further education of instructors.

我们将为您提供个性化建议 We will advise you personally

+86 13166667563