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由专业人士为专业人士服务 From professionals for professionals

驾驶培训 Driver Education

介绍 Introducation



We are the experts for high-end training: Driver training for the proving ground license, education and training of test drivers, of engineers, of members of authorities and armed forces or of board drivers with a personal protection component.

这是我们的Driving Concept世界,欢迎您加入。我们的培训已通过 ISO 9011:2015(教练培训、内容/程序)和 DIN 33430(评估)认证。

This is our world of Driving Concept into which we welcome you. Our trainings are certified according to ISO 9011:2015 (instructor training, content/procedure) and DIN 33430 (evaluation).


我们能为您做什么 What we are able to do for you

Fault simulation training / AD driving training

approx 899 € net
  • Vehicle: Mercedes C 180 with manipulable steering/brake/system
  • Time recording from triggering the fault to the driver’s reaction (e.g. emergency stop)
  • “Wizard of Oz” steering possible
  • 1:1 coaching with instructor in the car. Driver evaluation on request
    Location: Bosch Test Center Boxberg, Segula Rodgau or at your choice

Basic driving training for test site authorization / test site driver’s license

approx. 1.150 € net
  • Max. 10 participants per group á 5 cars
  • 2 instructors + 1 assistant supervise the group
  • Profound evaluation system
  • Locations: Bosch Test Center Boxberg, Segula Rodgau, ATC Aldenhoven

Supersport Training / High Speed Training

approx 2.450 € net
  • Max. 6-8 participants per group á 3-4 cars, power-to-weight ratio <4.5 kg/hp (e.g. Corvette C8)
  • 2 instructors + 1 assistant supervise the group
  • Profound evaluation system
  • Locations: Bosch Test Center Boxberg, Segula Rodgau, TRIWO Pferdsfeld, Anneau du Rhin/F
优点 Advantages

我们的服务为何如此特别 What makes our service so special

认证 Certification

拥有专业且经过认证的教练以及自己认证的培训程序。Professional and certified instructors and own certified training routines.

驾驶员评估 Driver Evaluation

按照 DIN 33430 使用自己的软件和硬件程序进行深入的驾驶员评估。Profound driver evaluation with own software and hardware routines according to DIN 33430.

文档记录 Documentation

与职业安全和法律保障、风险和危害分析等有关的所有流程的可靠的文档记录。Resilient documentation of all processes with regard to occupational safety and legal security, risk and hazard analyses, etc.

经验丰富 Experience

每年有超过 3,000 名参与者的国际经验。International experience with >3,000 participants per year.

质量管理 Quality management

牢固建立质量管理体系作为我们所有流程的基础。Firmly established QM system as the foundation for all our processes.

我们将为您提供个性化建议 We will advise you personally

+86 13166667563