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我们是您值得信赖的合作伙伴 We are your reliable partner

Driving Concept 为雄心勃勃的客户开发有目的的汽车概念,确保最佳地利用宝贵的预算,提供顺畅的组织和灵活但准时的实施。我们为现实世界和竞争激烈的市场开发创意。时间和地点由我们的客户决定。我们的服务是量身定制的,专注于客户的个性化需求。坚定、高效、有效且经过实践证明。结果:我们长期为客户、他们的产品和服务提供最佳服务。

Driving Concept develops purposeful automotive concepts for ambitious clients, ensures the optimal use of valuable budgets, provides smooth organization and flexible, but on-time implementation. We develop ideas for the real world and highly competitive markets. When and where is determined by our customers. Our services are tailor-made, focused on the individual needs of our clients. Determined, efficient, effective and proven in practice. The result: We put our customers, their products and services in the best light for the long term.

驾驶培训 Driver Education

汽车最薄弱的环节往往在方向盘后面。我们确保改变这一点。The weakest point of a car is often behind the steering wheel. We make sure that changes.

教练培训 Instructor Education

我们的教练跻身业内最优秀的教练行列,因为他们向业内最优秀的人学习。Our instructors are among the best in the business. Because they learned from the best in the business.

车辆测试 | 路测 Vehicle testing | Road tests

如何变得越来越好:“通过反复尝试和犯错,逐渐变得优秀”。特别是通过驾驶测试。How to get better and better: “Smart by trial and error”. Especially through driving tests.


通过最佳技术支持实现最大程度的驾驶安全。Maximum driving safety thanks to optimum technical support.

整车物流 Vehicle Logistics

有时甚至车辆也需要车辆。我们有车辆,包括人员。Sometimes even vehicles need vehicles. We have them – including personnel.

电动汽车 Electromobility

电动汽车——一个令人兴奋的话题。An exciting topic – presented in an electrifying way.